2007 Tie cushion

16" x 16" cushion made with one man's tie that was fussy cut and sewn back together to create a unique pattern.
2007 Christmas Tree Ornaments

This is an advent tree. There are 24 buttons on which to hang one ornament every day. The ornaments store in the pocket (tree trunk) I made the tree for Nicole last year when she was living in residence. I also brought her 24 special ornaments that hung on our tree over the years. This year I made ornaments for the tree.
2007 Baby quilt

Made for Caitlyn.
36" x 48"
2007 Flower Power

Blanket backed with Denim.
60" x 60"
2007 Wild Thang

Blanket backed with denim. Quilt as you go method. Yellow yarn couched to red fabric.
48" x 60"
2007 Dancing Tree

Pattern by Caryl Bryer Fallert.
2007 Brocade

Made with drapery samples. I bought the hanger and then designed the quilt to match the hanger.
21" x 36" (not including the hanger)
2007 Wall Quilt

Wall hanging to match the cushion previously made for Nicole.
2007 ID Purses
Using fancy stitches on my sewing machine.
2007 Book cover

2007 Trapped Flowers Tote

6 mini quilts sewn together make the front of this bag. 12' x 12" x 3"
Manitoba Prairie Quilters
Quilt Reflections 2008
1st Place - Quilted Bag
Carellan Sewing Centre
2008 Creative C
Winner-Bag category
St. James Anglican Church
1Viewer's Choice Award
Decorative Quilt/Item
18th Annual Quilt Show 2008
2007 Trapped Flowers

Made at an MPQ class taught by Pat Findlay. The silk flowers have organza laid overtop adn then it is quilted. Doesn't photograph well.
12" x 12"
2007 Tree Skirt

Tree skirt. Centre square in each piece is a fussy cut scene from a toile fabric.
2007 Pastel Flower Garden

Made with drapery samples.
2007 Blue Strip Challenge

My Challenge.

15 people exchanged 2 1/2 inch strips of blue fabric then we each set to work and this is what we came up with.
2007 Little Flirt

Made with the leftover strips from Flirtation bargello quilt.
2007 Amazing 9-patch

My own pattern. Made with off centre 9 patches.
80" x 100"
2007 Sunset Silhouette

I hand painted the background then couched yarn and thread painted the tree. I took this one out of the brown frame (pictured below) and put it in a black frame to give to mom and dad for Christmas.
4" x 6" - 5" x 7" with frame
2007 Sunset Silhouettes

I hand painted the background then couched yarn and thread painted the trees.
2007 Moon Glow

I hand painted the background then made the tree with couched yarn and thread painting. The 6" x 5.5" quilt is mounted in an 8" x 10" wooden picture frame.
Manitoba Prairie Quilters
Quilt Reflections 2008
3rd place - Multi Media
2007 Stained Glass Star

Reverse applique stained glass quilt.
9" x 21"
2007 Mini Quilt Pins
Each of these tiny quilts is 1.25" square. There is a pin on the back of each one.
2007 Thank You Cards

Upholstery fabric glued onto cardstock then covered with netting and stitched.
2007 Blue Jean Purses
These are all made from blue jeans. I like using jeans that have embroidery or other interesting detail. Many of the straps are belts or tote bag straps I pick up at second hand stores.